Key factors in supporting adolescents to achieve high self-esteem and a positive body image: a qualitative community-based study |
2025 |
Artigues-Barberà, Eva; Tort-Nasarre, Glòria; Pollina-Pocallet, Mercè; Ferrer Suquet, Yvonne; Ayats Pallés, Aleix; Guasch Niubó, Olívia; Ortega-Bravo, Marta; García-Martínez, Ester |
Article d'investigació |
Facilitators and barriers in the implementation of a fall prevention program based on physical activity for elderly people living in the community: A qualitative study |
2024 |
Costa Menén, Maria Àngels; Gimeno Pi, Iraida; Martin Servet, Gemma; García Martínez, Ester; Porté Llotge, Mercè; Blanco Blanco, Joan |
Article d'investigació |
Use of a gamified website to increase pain neurophysiology knowledge and improve satisfaction and motivation among students studying for a degree in physiotherapy: a quasi‑experimental study |
2022 |
Valenzuela Pascual, Fran; Pàmies Fabra, Judith; García Martínez, Ester; Martínez Navarro, Oriol; Climent Sanz, Carolina; Gea Sánchez, Montserrat; Virgili Gomà, Jordi; Rubí Carnacea, Francesc; Garcia E |
Article d'investigació |
Misbeliefs about non-specific low back pain and attitudes towards treatment by primary care providers in Spain: a qualitative study. |
2022 |
García Martínez, Ester; Soler González, Jorge; Blanco Blanco, Joan; Rubí Carnacea, Francesc; Masbernat Almenara, María; Valenzuela Pascual, Fran |
Article d'investigació |
Prevalence of falls in noninstitutionalized people aged 65−80 and associations with sex and functional tests: A multicenter observational study |
2022 |
Blanco Blanco, Joan; Albornos Muñoz, Laura; Costa Menen, Maria Àngels; García Martínez, Ester; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Martínez Soldevila, Jordi; Moreno Casbas, María Teresa; Bays Moneo, Ana Beatriz; |
Article d'investigació |
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) in patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2021 |
Climent Sanz, Carolina; Valenzuela Pascuala, Fran; Martínez Navarro, Oriol; Blanco Blanco, Joan; Rubí Carnacea, Francesc; García Martínez, Ester; Soler González, Jorge; Barallat Gimeno, Eva; Gea Sánch |
Article d'investigació |
Improving risk assessment and prevention of pressure injuries during the implementation of a best practice clinical guideline |
2021 |
Monsonís Filella, Benjamí; Gea Sánchez, Montserrat; García Martínez, Ester; Folguera Arnau, Mercè; Gutiérrez Vilaplana, Josep Maria; Blanco Blanco, Joan |
Article d'investigació |
Adaptación transcultural y validación psicométrica en lengua española de la escala Perineal Assessment Tool para la evaluación de la dermatitis por incontinencia |
2020 |
Alexandre Lozano, S.; Barallat Gimeno, E.; Torra Bou, J.E.; García Martínez, E.; Blanco Blanco, J. |
Article d'investigació |
A Web-based therapeutic patient education intervention for pain and sleep for women with fibromyalgia: a sequential exploratory mixed methods research protocol. |
2020 |
Climent Sanz, C.; Gea Sánchez, M.; Moreno Casbas, M.T.; Blanco Blanco, J.; García Martínez, E.; Valenzuela Pascual, F. |
Article d'investigació |
The influence of an educational internet-based intervention in the beliefs and attitudes of primary care professionals on non-specific chronic low back pain: study protocol of a mixed methods approach |
2019 |
García Martínez, E.; Soler González, J.; Rubí Carnacea, F; García Martínez, Be; Climent Sanz, C; Blanco Blanco, J.; Valenzuela Pascual, F. |
Article d'investigació |
Patients' and primary healthcare professionals' perceptions regarding chronic low back pain and its management in Spain: a qualitative study |
2019 |
Valenzuela Pascual, Francesc; García Martínez, Ester; Molina Luque, Fidel; Soler Gonzalez, Jorg; Blanco Blanco, Joan; Rubí Carnacea, Francesc Josep; Climent Sanz, Carolina; Briones Vozmediano, Erica T |
Article d'investigació |